Data management

© E. Amice, CNRS


Data management relies on a good understanding of the data life cycle from data creation to data reuse. 

As a first step, data producers are strongly encouraged to fill in each piece of information related to these steps in a Data Management Plan The DMP-OPIDOR tool (create an account) helps you in this process, with indications at each stage. The DMP-OPIDOR tool (account to be created) assists you in this process, with indications at each stage. There are also institutional templates/recommendations on which to draw (ANR, INRAE, etc.).

In a second step, data producers are encouraged to produce metadata sheets and to proceed with the DOI-ization of datasets, i.e. assigning a unique identifier to the datasets, by depositing the datasets in warehouses (including through the drafting of Data Papers). The Geoflow tool (open source) is recommended, in particular to facilitate the updating of information on certain datasets (long series).

Consultation of the Workshop Zone data

The Brest-Iroise Workshop Area (ZABrI) has a geocatalogue of metadata that provides information on the data available from ZABrI research work. This geocatalogue is shared by the laboratories involved in the ZABrI (LGO, AMURE, LEMAR, LETG-Brest, UMS IUEM, Dyneco, CRBC, LP3C, Institut de Géoarchitecture). It is harvested by the RZA geocatalogue and by the main national and international catalogues of interest.

Link to the geocatalogue (with keyword ZABRI)
Characteristic of the geocatalogue : Geonetwork version 3.10.3

Access to the data is possible from the metadata sheet, if the data has been deposited in a repository (DOI), or on request (cf. rubrique “contacts” in the metadata sheet). It is also possible to consult/download them from the indigeo portal viewer accessible at the following link

The frequency of data updates varies according to the series.
The data use policy is specified in each metadata sheet.

If you wish to create or modify a metadata record, merci de contacter l’administrateur d’indigeo ( to give you access rights in accordance with the guide available on the portal. On this occasion we will provide you with a short tutorial to harmonise the information provided (in particular for the keywords and the expected descriptive elements). We also encourage you to fill in your forms in French AND in English.

If you wish to deposit data in another warehouseThe preferred warehouse for RZA data is the Dataverse DataInDoRES made available by INEE and managed by UMS BBEES. A sub-space dedicated to the RZA data has been created (access link, and the access codes (account to be created) are to be requested from the contact form. Note that for multi-partner projects, universities and USOs can also provide a warehouse service.

Moissonage vers d’autres catalogues

If you wish to harvesting the geocatalogue metadata databaseThe URL to be filled in is the following:

Please also indicate the keyword "ZABRI".
In this case, please indicate this operation to the following e-mail:

Controlled vocabulary

When producing your metadata sheets and choosing the names of your variables (data dictionary), we invite you to favour the EnvThes thesaurus of the eLTER network. Other thesauri to be favoured are : LOTERRE Biodiversity, THEIA/OZCAR, GEMET, AGROVOC.


The WG 4 Data & Open Science led by the Workshop Zones Network aims to support the Workshop Zones in :

  • the production of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data
  • the development of original technical solutions for sample and data management
  • data acquisition...

This applies to both the environmental sciences and the humanities and social sciences.

Today, more than a dozen researchers and data scientist in all the Workshop Zones are contributing to this project. Do not hesitate to take part in this project by subscribing to the mailing list !

On the other hand, WG4 proposes an increase in competence, harmonisation of practices within the AAUs and a common culture on data management.

All information is available on the Workshop Zone Network website: RZA website.

Contact persons

  • for ZABRI: Mathias Rouan, Pascal Raux
  • for GT4: Mathias Rouan