Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term
© E. Amice, CNRS
Main objective
This theme aims to understand the relationships between past human activities and environmental transformations on the islands, shores and watersheds of the Brest harbour and Iroise Sea area. This ambition is driven by three main questions: (1) What roles have Holocene global forcings played in the evolution of the biosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere at the scale of the ZABrI? (2) What were the responses of the biophysical sphere to past "press and pulse" perturbations? How can we detect the imprint of coastal societies on their environment over time? (3) How can archaeological evidence be interpreted in relation to past environmental changes and crises, and vice versa?
The work of theme 4 is based on interdisciplinary federating projects that aim to better understand past interactions between coastal societies and their environment. They also aim to bring the results of this work to the attention of a wider audience through scientific mediation. Several theses on the evolution of paleo-environments, bio-geo-hydrosphere interactions and archaeological work are in progress, as well as interdisciplinary research work combining history, sedimentology, archaeology and paleoclimatology. Examples include:
- the interdisciplinary chair ArMeRIE (Maritime archaeology and interdisciplinary environmental research) set up in 2020 in the form of a partnership between UBO and Inrap;
- the emblematic and unifying project SEALEX (The Sea as a Long term socio-Ecological Experiment) funded by the EUR ISblue;
- the emblematic and unifying project PACTE (PAst to Current land-sea Continuum: socio-ecosystem Trajectories derived from a regional pilot site) funded by the EUR ISblue;
- the project Live along the coast, live with the sea in the past " funded by the European project SEA-EU search.
Laboratories involved
LETG-Brest, LEMAR, Geo-Ocean, CRBC, Ifremer, Trajectoires, CEPAM, CReAAH, MNHN
Actors in the territory
Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives (INRAP), CD29, GIS Histoire Maritime et Sciences de la Mer, Service régional de l'Archéologie, DRASSM, managers: Conservatoire du Littoral, Office français pour la Biodiversité, PNMI, Conservatoire National de Botanique, Réserve géologique de Crozon, SEPNB-Bretagne vivante, Musée des goémoniers.
Preferred study sites
Academic facilitators
- Y. Pailler (Archaeology, LETG)
- A. Ehrhold (Geosciences, IFREMER)
External facilitators
- R. Bourgaut (Centre dép. d’archéologie, CD29)
Supporting projects
de 2024 à 2027
Living Lab Ponant
A. Pomade, P. Stéphan, ZABrI COPIL
Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use
Theme 2 : Qualité de l’eau et biodiversité le long du continuum terre-mer
Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term
Theme 1 Vulnerability and coastal risks
CPER ObsOcean
CPER ObsOcean
F. Jean
Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use
Theme 2 : Qualité de l’eau et biodiversité le long du continuum terre-mer
Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term
Theme 1 Vulnerability and coastal risks
Thesis, Post-doc and Master's courses
Dynamiques d’implantations humaines du Mésolithique au haut Moyen Âge, à la pointe de la Bretagne.
de 2022 à 2025
Olivier Poncin
Encadrant(s) : D. Le Bris, Y. Pailler, C. Gandini
Laboratoire : CRBC
Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term
Toponymy and Archaeology of the ARMORican Coast. Man/Sea interactions in Brittany from the Neolithic to the present day through archaeo-toponymic data
de 2022 à 2025
Youenn Léon
Encadrant(s) : D. Le Bris, Y. Pailler, P. Stéphan
Laboratoire : CRBC
Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term
Chronology of the mobility phases of European coastal dunes during the Holocene: role of climate and implication on coastal landscapes and societies
de 2022 à 2025
Gillian Stéphan
Encadrant(s) P. Stéphan, S. Suanez, G. Guérin
Laboratoire UMR LETG
Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term
Micromorphology of coastal sedimentary deposits
de 2022 à 2023
Onfray Marylise
Laboratoire UMR LETG
Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term
Study of the climatic (Middle - Upper Holocene) and cultural (Final Neolithic - Early Bronze Age) transition in the Rade de Brest
Valero Clara
Encadrant(s) Penaud A., Sutton J., Vidal M.
Laboratoire : IUEM
IUEM, Geo-Ocean
Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term
Trajectoire d’un socio-écosystème à l’interface terre-mer : le cas de la rade de Brest, du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours
de 2021 à 2024
Lucas Bosseboeuf
Encadrant(s) Yves-Marie Paulet, Philippe Jarnoux
Laboratoire UMR LEMAR/CRBC
Theme 2 : Qualité de l’eau et biodiversité le long du continuum terre-mer
Theme 4 Trajectory of Socio-Ecosystems in the long term