
Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use

© E. Amice, CNRS

Main objective

The Iroise Sea and the Bay of Brest are particularly rich environments in terms of biodiversity. These territories are also marked by strong heritage elements. This biological and cultural richness has always provided human populations with many key ecosystem services. The major species and habitats that have shaped the maritime history of this territory are currently threatened by increasing anthropic pressures (habitat degradation, water pollution, epizootics, climate change, invasive species, etc.).

Within the ZABrI, two natural parks are in charge of managing this natural heritage: for the Iroise Sea, the Iroise Marine Natural Park and for the Bay of Brest, the Armorique Regional Nature Park and its NATURA 2000 maritime and terrestrial zone. In this context, theme 3, focuses on a major scientific and societal issue: How can we reconcile conservation, or even ecological restoration, with the sustainable use of marine resources?


In order to meet the challenges of sustainability, theme 3 is based on a dozen "flagship" projects that study few emblematic species and habitats and bring together biologists, geographers, economists, managers and professionals from the sea. In addition to this work, recurrent and essential monitoring of biodiversity is carried out within the framework of several observatories or environmental observation networks (REBENT, DCE, DCSMM, IUEM observatory, shellfish observatories). The approaches used are both human and natural sciences (surveys, mapping, sampling at sea and laboratory analyses).

The emblematic species and habitats studied in this theme are the following:

  • the benthic habitats with priority issues (Maerl beds, eelgrass beds, boulder fields, kelp forests, biogenic oyster and mussel reefs);
  • the populations ofbenthic invertebrates (scallops, black scallops, prawns, abalone, lobsters);
  • species of fish and marine mammals (sea bass, small pelagics, bottlenose dolphins, seals);
  • the colonies ofseabirds and waders protected species (great grey heron, common oystercatcher, turnstone, curlew, shearwater);
  • the high value terrestrial habitats (heaths and coastal grasslands).

Laboratories involved


Actors in the territory

PNMI, PNRA, Association des îles du Ponant, Professional structures

Preferred study sites

Rade de Brest, Mer d'Iroise, islands and islets

Academic facilitators

  • S. Pouvreau (IUEM/ifremer-LEMAR)
  • A. Blanchet-Aurigny (Ifremer-DYNECO)
  • L. Brigand (IUEM-LETG)
  • Mr Laurans (Ifremer-HALGO)

External facilitators

  • J. Bourdoulous (Regional Natural Park of Armorique)
  • P. Le Niliot (Marine Natural Park of Iroise)

Supporting projects



de 2010 à 2026 Reproduction et Recrutement de l'Huitre creuse S. Pouvreau Appel d'Offres Ministères Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use


de 2018 à 2025 Marine Habitats A. Pibot, A. Larzillière Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use


de 2018 à 2024 Socio-ecosystem trajectory Rade de Brest Y-M. Paulet Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use


de 2019 à 2024 Maintien du Stock de Coquillages en lien avec les Efflorescences Toxiques A. Blanchet-Aurigny ERDF/ EAFRD Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use


de 2022 à 2027 Ecological restoration of flat oyster reef formations and their ecosystem services S. Pouvreau Ifremer-OFB Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use


de 2022 à 2026 The future of Humans and fish pOPulations: fOstering interdisciPlinarity and transdisciPlinarity for sustainable marine social-ecological systems G. Charrier, C. Macher ISblue Theme 3 Sustainability between conservation, restoration, exploitation and use

Thesis, Post-doc and Master's courses